Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Brown Sugar Fruit Dip and Chester French

I'm convinced that I've been cursed in the kitchen this week. The past two nights I've made dinner, and the past two nights we've gone out to eat. Both meals were a flop! Why me, Lord? So to lift the weight of culinary frustration off my shoulders, I popped open a bottle of champagne. When in doubt, there's always cocktails.

I find it interesting that we, as a society, only associate champagne with celebrations. I happen to be a firm believer that champagne can be, and should be, enjoyed on any occasion. To accompany my glass of bubbly, I made a brown sugar fruit dip. I had quite the plethora of fruit in my refrigerator this week, so this dip was the perfect excuse to consume it. Otherwise it would go to waste within a few days.

I went to the wine market with every intention to purchase ONE bottle of champagne and walked away with TWO bottles! Who knows? Maybe I'll mess up dinner again tomorrow night, and then I'll be really glad I have that extra bottle of Domaine Ste Michelle to drown my sorrows.

But back to the brown sugar fruit dip. I found this recipe through Southern Living. Click here for the recipe. It's easy to whip together and is a great side to any fruit assortment. Just be aware that it needs to chill for 4 hours, so give yourself plenty of time before you're ready to serve it.

For today's post I'm featuring Chester French. They're a great American Indie Pop group who formed the band during their college years at Harvard University. I heard their song "She Loves Everybody" a few months ago and have been looking for an opportunity to play them on My Eats and Beats.


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